Fulfilling Your God-given Purpose

We are grateful for the fellow authors who have endorsed our upcoming book, Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram; A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation.  Greg Ogden is a prolific author in the field of discipleship and a dear friend of Doug & Adele’s.

“I am deeply indebted to Doug and Adele Calhoun, for they introduced me to the Enneagram. They gave me hope that the wayward motivations of an Eight to control and confront could be redeemed into the desire to serve and release the potential in others. The Calhouns and Loughriges have laid out a process of harmonizing your head, heart, and gut into wholeness. If you truly want to fulfill the potential for which you have been made, this is the book for you. You will need to marinate in the carefully structured exercises and stories. Yet what awaits you is a treasure-trove of discovery that will set you free to flow in the stream of God’s original design. Great payoff requires great investment.”

Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials