Enneagram Sixes Practice
Enneagram Sixes Practice Get ready, this is your day! Sixes can get caught up in their worst case scenario world and project their fears onto others. But what if you could open up to an interaction that could lead you to spiritual health? What do you Sixes THINK about this? To watch the practice video Read more ➝
Enneagram Fives Practice
Enneagram Fives practice- Get ready, this is your day to shine. Five’s are often caught up in their closed world and hoping to be left alone. But what if someone asks something of you unexpectedly? That leads us to your practice for spiritual health. What do you Fives THINK about this? To watch the practice Read more ➝
Enneagram Fours Practice
Enneagram Fours practice- Practice Gratitude. When a Four’s life is stuck in what is missing, gratitude can save you life. Any thoughts out there, you Beloved Four’s? To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming soon!
Enneagram Threes Practice
Enneagram Threes practice- Practice Secrecy. When a Three’s life is all about connection, networking, and getting the word out, secrecy can save you life. Anything you’d like to add, beloved Three’s? To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming Read more ➝
Enneagram Twos Practice
Enneagram Twos practice- Practice Self-Care. Sounds easy, yes? But not if you live in the Two’s internal world. Any thoughts out there, you Beloved Two’s? To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming soon!
Enneagram Ones Practice
Enneagram Ones practice- Practice Play. Sounds easy, yes? But not if you live in the One’s internal world. Any thoughts out there, you Beloved Ones? To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming soon!
Enneagram Nines Practice
Enneagram Nines practice- “naming their desire.” Anything you’d like to add? To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming soon!
Enneagram Eights Practice
Enneagram Eights practice- What is your response to this practice for those dominant in E-style Eight? We’d love to hear from you. To watch the practice video on Facebook click here. Find more at “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram” on FACEBOOK. Our YouTube channel is coming soon!
Take 40 and Practice
Would the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection have greater meaning if you practiced the Christ-Life for the 40 Days of Lent? If so, join us on the Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram Facebook page for practice videos and art throughout this life-changing season. If you don’t have Facebook watch for our upcoming Youtube channel!