Noteworthy and Newsworthy!
Hello Friends! We are in the final stages of publishing and our book is ready for pre-order! Watch our blog for our unique learning model with the Enneagram and endorsements from experts in the Enneagram and Spiritual Formation! When Ginger Lapid-Bogda says our Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram is Newsworthy and Noteworthy, we say, Read more ➝

Some of us react instinctively. We know in our gut and bones whether we like someone. Trusting our gut more than anything or anyone else makes it easy to jump in, or act out, or pull out without giving it a second thought. In the heat of things we dismiss our head and heart.

Some of us trust heart connection more than anything else. We rely on feelings and concern for others to guide us. And when connection is broken, we work like mad to regain affection and approval. We dismiss gut reactions as “not me” And distrust those who live in their heads.

Some of us move into our heads and dismiss our hearts. Love becomes concept. When asked a feeling question, we consult our head. “I think I feel I’ll get through this.” When we trust mental activity, pros and cons, research and study, we may dismiss heart people as “lightweights” and gut people as “reactionary.”

You’ve Got Harmony (Prelude)
“Medicine to produce health must examine disease; and music, to create harmony must investigate discord.” Plutarch “Virtue is Harmony.” Pythagoras We all love a good harmony. The collaboration and integration that creates harmony doesn’t happen alone. The “good vibrations” of groups like the Beach Boys, Pentatonix, Peter, Paul, and Mary, Anonymous Four and Take 6 Read more ➝