Hey there friends! Adele and I had a chance to talk about our book with Joel Hubbard and Jim Zartman on their podcast called the art of growth. Check it out and share with your friends please! https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/talkie-records/enneagram-panels-podcast/e/65032927?fbclid=IwAR3wRrx5eRNhZl9b2NIn3dIT8qjwUgj9_WSLDLnVCr76pXp4fU4PHVgIV0E
OneLife Maps author Sharon Swing interviewed Adele recently on her Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. If you have wondered about the design of this book and how to use it, tune in for insights from the author! Listen to podcast here.
The Enneagram is a monster topic but I don’t think it has to be. Ultimately, it boils down to better knowing yourself and then taking that further to how to better love one another. Clare Loughrige and Seth Price discuss how finding Harmony can do just that with a tool like the Enneagram Harmony Triads. Read more ➝
Enneagram Harmony Triads and Spiritual Formation Adele Calhoun & Doug Calhoun Clare Loughrige & Scott Loughrige Transformation is the soul of the Enneagram. Anything short of transformation and it’s just another personality fad. Something here today and gone tomorrow. We find ourselves conflicted about Instagram Memes, Enneagram art, and Enneagram music. Often these vehicles are fun and Read more ➝
Clare and Lisa were interviewed on the Fierce and Lovely Podcast. Check out this window into Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram and Clare’s ©iEnneagram Training and Certification Course.
Doug & Adele were interviewed by Anita Lustria on her podcast channel “Faith Conversations” about this subject. Along with Clare & Scott’s previous podcast, this conversation is way for people who are nervous or skeptical about the Enneagram and spiritual transformation to get some of their questions answered. They also discussed the unique contributions that Read more ➝
Scott and Clare have been teaching the Enneagram Harmony Triads since 2012. Check out their Enneagram podcast, explore the Enneagram of Harmony Model and listen to people in their faith community talk about their journey. “PODCAST: Enneagram & Christianity” on Apple Podcast or RadioPublic Radio Public (for Android users) works in your browser. Download iTunes here Android Read more ➝